Art for Justice Fund

A digital fundraiser for justice reform with Julie Mehretu

Project Intro

Since its launch in 2017, The Art for Justice Fund (A4J) has provided over $100 million in direct grants to around 200 artists and advocates focused on safely reducing the prison population, promoting justice reinvestment, and creating art that changes the narrative around mass incarceration.

In order to raise a portion of the capital for these grants, A4J approached CMYK to produce and broadcast an event to celebrate the fund’s mission and bring attention to their auction of an original Julie Mehretu work for the benefit of the organization.


Using our powerful CMYKtv software, we built A4J a customized video platform for the event, complete with all the fixings, including a chatroom, Q&A module, and animated audience reaction feedback. The event was a success, and CMYK was proud to support this non profit organization directly funding creative solutions this pressing societal issue.

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