
Stop motion animation bringing holiday cheer

Project Intro

For the 2018 holiday season, we were tasked with creating a series of fun and light-hearted stop motion animated video campaign for a variety of Braun
kitchen appliances. Now, stop motion animation is no joke: it requires animation experts, digital photographers with a keen eye for lighting, set designers,
video editors, and—in this case—a couple of fantastic hand models.

Each movement in the animation can be composed of hundreds of individual photographs that need to be staged and captured exactly right in order to
produce an end-result that moves smoothly from start to finish—and that’s exactly what we did, with just under two weeks of production time.


Teaming up with illustrator, animator, and author James Kwan, we built a set, captured all necessary stop-motion action shots, edited the photographs,
animated them together, and even topped the whole thing off with some 2D motion graphics and illustrations in order to bring it all together just in time for
the holiday season to kick into gear. If there are a few extra Braun blenders, mixers, and

If there are a few extra Braun blenders, mixers, and coffee makers under Christmas trees this year, we’d like to think we had a little something to do with it.

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