Proskauer Rose LLP

HR videos for a more inclusive workplace

Project Intro

Proskauer is a prominent international law firm that specializes in a range of legal practices and are well known for their labor and employment department. Proskauer first approached CMYK in 2014 to produce an series of employee training videos focused on discrimination and harassment. The videos were developed in collaboration with Proskauer’s Employment Counseling & Training team and based on real life examples taken from legal cases and their clients’ past HR complaints.

Project Highlights

Nearly ten years later, The Proskauer team still used those original videos, but to keep up with new cultural trends, the increased use of technology in the workplace, and more nuanced issues, it was time to make “Season 2.” Naturally, having delivered a great experience and lasting final product the first time around, CMYK was the first team Proskauer called.

CMYK oversaw the entire production, from pre-production through the delivery of the final videos. Pre-production involved writing the scripts, casting an ensemble of over a dozen actors, location scouting, hiring a diverse and talented crew, and developing a tight shot list and visual direction.

The resulting videos are a perfect compliment to the existing library. Shooting scenes that demonstrate examples of inappropriate workplace behavior makes for some (intentionally) uncomfortable material, but our extremely professional cast and crew kept a positive attitude and breezed through each scene, often ahead of schedule.

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